Holistic Self-Acceptance

Each one of us has various elements within the self; such as “a shy part of me, a brave part of me, an angry part of me, an anxious part of me, a serious part of me, an impulsive part of me,” and so on.  We tend to repress or deny non-preferred elements of us. These oblivious repressions cause tremendous mental conflicts and disturb the natural flow of our healthy mental energy. We will not attempt to remove your undesirable  elements, but will allow them to speak up in order to be understood with compassion. Furthermore, we attempt to reorganize the distance and relationship with your elements so that all of these-preferable or unwanted may collaboratively support the natural and healthy flow of your mental energy to shine naturally. 

Thus holistic acceptance of ourselves induce real change in ourselves. As American psychiatrist, Arnold Beisser explained in the paradoxical theory of change- "when we try to be someone else, the true change does not occur, but when we try to be just ourselves, the real change occurs."